1. Geo Location Identifier: Geo Location Identifier identifies the source of request on internet. It is graphically demonstrated. It is used to identify the potential customers in particular region.
  2. Animation (Moral teaching): A way of making a movies by using to inculcate the moral value of honesty. A story is been developed to highlighted the importance of honesty.
  3. Assessing concentration of a student: Computers can be used to measure the concentration of student. The concentration improves the readability. The concentration is improved by improving the level of observation.
  4. Component display and troubleshooting: The components of the computer are displayed. The latest of each component is explained. The demo will assist the user to find the problem and hence trouble shoot.
  5. Lucky number for a date of birth: Look up the personal lucky number for you with our free tool. Every birth date has eight numerology lucky numbers within it , use it to reveal all the numerology numbers in your birth.
  6. Magic square: A magic square is an arrangement of distinct numbers where the numbers in each row , and in each column, and the numbers in the main and secondary diagonals, all add up to the same number, called the “magic constant”.
  7. Power point-cloud computing: Cloud computing is one of the latest technology. Cloud computing is a type of internet based computing that provides shared computer processing resources and data to computers and other devices on demand. The uses of cloud computing is demonstrated.
  8. Video demonstration-Robotics: Robotics is the study of robots. Robots are machines that can be used to do jobs like farming, surgeries, constructions of buildings, manufacturing (engineering and medical laboratories), receptionist.
  9. Automatic car parking: An automated car parking system (Aps) is a software system designed to allocate a space for new vehicles automatically.