FT-IR Spectrophotometer

Infrared spectroscopy exploits the fact that molecules absorb specific frequencies that are characteristic of their structure. These absorptions are resonant frequencies, i.e. the frequency of the absorbed radiation matches the transition energy of the bond or group that vibrates. The energies are determined by the shape of the molecular potential energy surfaces, the masses of the atoms, and the associated vibronic coupling. The infrared spectrum originates from the vibrational motion of the molecule. The vibrational frequencies are a kind of fingerprint of compounds. This property is used for characterization of organic, inorganic and biological compounds. The band intensities are proportional to the concentration of the compound and hence qualitative estimations are possible.


jascoJASCO Spectrofluorometer Model FP8300

Specification of the instrument:

Model FT/ IR-4600
Wavenumber range 7800-350 cm-1
Wavenumber Accuracy Within ± 0.01 cm-1
Resolution 0.7 cm-1
Additional Futures Kbr Windows, Single  Reflection ATR


Heavy metal compounds sometimes absorb energy at lower wave-number (low energy) region only, which may not be covered by the instrument that we have.